Degree Works FAQ

Find answers to common questions about using Degree Works.

Before registering for courses: please review your degree program requirements in Degree Works to ensure you are taking courses required for your academic program. Taking courses outside your program of study may affect your federal financial aid award.

Degree Works Degree Audit FAQ

What is a Degree Works degree audit?
A Degree Works degree audit is a review of past, current and planned coursework that provides information on completed and outstanding catalog requirements necessary to complete a degree/major/minor, including credits needed to graduate and GPA information. Each block works like a checklist that has boxes that are automatically checked when a requirement is met. Check the audit legend for more information.
Who can use/access Degree Works?
A Degree Works degree audit is available to students who started their current degree program in fall 2014 and later. If you started your program before fall 2014, please contact your advisor or program chair.
Is my information confidential?
Yes. Like other tools you use in my黑洞社区, Degree Works is accessed through your secure login. Your advisor, faculty, and authorized staff will also be able to view the information contained in Degree Works.
How do I know what classes I need to take?
Your audit will outline courses needed to meet degree, major, minor, and/or concentration requirements within each specific block. You may then use this information to discuss your plan with your academic advisor.
Can I register for classes in Degree Works?
No. Registration including prerequisite checks will continue to be handled through the my黑洞社区 links for Registration.
How current will my information be in Degree Works?
The information in Degree Works is refreshed each time the audit is viewed.
I think my audit is incorrect. What should I do?
Please ask your academic advisor or program chair for assistance. The first step is to clarify what information you believe is wrong. These are the most common problems and courses of action:
Degree Works issues and recommended resolutions.
Problem What to Do
My major is wrong on my audit. If you have not officially changed your major, you will need to contact your academic advisor or program chair for the change to occur. If you believe you have already officially changed your major, please contact the Registrar’s Office.
The requirements for my major are wrong. Look at the catalog term that appears on the major requirements block of the audit. According to our records this is the catalog (entry year for your class) that you are using to complete your major requirements. If you believe you should be using older or newer requirements, contact your academic advisor or program chair.
My transfer courses don’t appear in the right place. If you are concerned about a transfer course that should be applying in the audit,  contact your academic advisor or program chair.
Classes are not applying in the “right” place. Degree Works uses a ‘best fit’ approach for meeting requirements so classes may apply to different sections as you take more courses. If you have further questions,  contact your academic advisor or program chair.
My advisor or department head gave me permission to substitute a course, but it’s not showing on my audit. The substitution approval may not have been submitted or may not have yet been processed by the Registrar’s Office. If you have questions,  contact your academic advisor or program chair.
My minor is missing from my audit. If you have not officially declared your minor, you must request to have it added to your academic record so that the minor to appear on your audit. If you believe you have already add the minor, please contact the Registrar’s Office.
My major requires me to complete a concentration, but it didn't appear on the audit. The Registrar’s Office may not be aware of the concentration you are planning to complete. Please contact your academic advisor or program chair to work with the Registrar's office to add your concentration.
I’m pursuing two degrees. Only one appears on the audit. How can I check the requirements for my other program of study?
Look at the degree information next to your name at the top of the screen. You’ll notice that the degree box has a drop-down arrow. Use this to select your second degree. Once you select on this, an audit with the additional degree and major will display.
I’m a double major, but only one appears on the audit.
Look at the header block on your audit. If only one major is listed, your records do not indicate that a second major has been declared. You should contact the Registrar’s Office.
I want to change my major. How can I see what would be required if I made this change?
You can use the “What-If” option on the Audits tab to do an audit using criteria you select. Please be sure to select a Degree, Catalog term and Major. Please see the guide below for step-by-step instructions. “What-If” audits do not guarantee that you will be able to major in the area you select. If you decide you’d like to change your major, contact your academic advisor or program chair.
   DegreeWorks “What-If” How-To Guide
Can my advisor see my What-If scenario?
Since What-If scenarios are not stored on Degree Works, your advisor can only see your results if the two of you work through a What-If procedure together. You can also save a pdf version or print a copy to show your advisor.
Who should I contact if I still have questions or disagree with the audit?
contact your academic advisor or program chair.
I have been cleared for graduation, but Degree Works says that I haven’t completed all of my requirements. Does this mean that I won’t be able to graduate?
Not necessarily. This can be a timing issue such as posting of grades, removal of incompletes, posting of transfer credit, etc. for the current term. If you have followed through on any requirements you were told to complete, you should still be on track for graduation. Contact the Registrar’s Office as soon as possible.
Can I save or print my audit?
Yes. Use the ‘Save as PDF’ button, you can save or print a .pdf version of your audit.
How is my degree audit different from my transcript?
Your degree audit is a tool to provide you with academic information related to your degree progress. It displays courses required and completed in your degree program. Your transcript is your official academic record and provides a chronological list of courses completed and other academic information.
When I click on the course number, it brings up a page which shows the course description, prerequisites and available sections. Some courses have a statement that says the class may be taken concurrently with [class name here]. What does concurrency mean?
Concurrency means that you are permitted to register for a course and a listed prerequisite in the same term. This allows for the most flexibility in Block scheduling, as you can register for the prerequisite course in Block 1 and the subsequent course in Block 2 of a single term. For example, Course A is a prerequisite for Course B. You are permitted to register for Course A and Course B in the same term, taking Course A during Block 1 and Course B during Block 2. If you are found to be registered out of order or taking Course A and Course B at the same time, you may be administratively dropped.

Degree Works Educational Plan FAQ

What is a Degree Works Educational Plan?
A Degree Works Educational Plan is a personalized program completion plan developed in concert with your academic advisor. The plan takes into account the courses you’ve transferred in and shows the courses left to complete in a suggested sequence based on prerequisites and the length of time you’d like to take to complete your degree requirements.
Do I have an educational plan?
Educational plans are available starting fall 2019 for incoming College of Technology students and starting fall 2020 for incoming students in the following Colleges: Arts and Sciences, Social and Behavioral Science, and Health Professions.
What if I want an educational plan and am not among the students receiving them at this time?
Educational plans will be available for all new students by fall 2021. Current students can still use their Degree Works degree audit and other tools shared by their advisor.
Is the educational plan a guarantee that I’ll complete my degree by the end of the plan?
Your educational plan is one way to complete your degree but not the only way. You are still responsible for registering for courses and following the prerequisite sequence since all course requirements must be completed with minimum passing grades and your overall GPA must be above the required threshold. If you register early, you’ll have a better chance of registering for courses in terms when suggested by your advisor. Course availability is not guaranteed.
What if I haven’t followed the educational plan mapped out by my advisor?
You can make an appointment with your advisor to have it adjusted.
What does the asterisk (*) mean next to a few courses on my educational plan?
The asterisk indicates a critical course. This is a class that should be taken by the completion of 30, 60, or 90 credits (for undergraduate programs) or by the completion of 12 or 24 credits (graduate programs) in order to complete your degree within the timeframe indicated on your Educational Plan. Your advisor placed the course in your educational plan in the correct place so that you meet this timeline.
What if I don’t complete a critical course by the correct credit threshold?
You will receive an email from the Office of Academic Advising asking you to make an appointment with your advisor so that your educational plan can be adjusted. You are encouraged to register for the critical course as soon as you can so that you can stay on-track to graduate.