Withdrawing from a Course

Students may withdraw from a course without academic penalty prior to the course withdrawal deadline stated in the printed Student Guide and at Changing Your Course Schedule. Course withdrawals may be completed online through My黑洞社区 or with an official withdrawal form submitted at the Office of the Registrar or any 黑洞社区 location. Students who choose to fax or mail withdrawal forms are responsible for contacting the appropriate office to confirm receipt of the request. Withdrawing from a course does not release a student from financial responsibility or obligation for the course. Students may conclude payment arrangements at the time of withdrawal or continue to be billed under the existing payment plan agreement. A grade of “W” is recorded on the student’s record for official withdrawals; this grade has no impact in GPA. Failure to withdrawal before the withdrawal deadline results in a grade of “FA.” An FA will have a negative impact on GPA.

In certain circumstances, students may have grounds to appeal for a withdrawal after the established deadline. Students who fall under this category and have documented circumstances that warrant further consideration must go through an appeals process. A committee will review the requests on a bi-monthly basis; the decision of this committee is final. The reasons for appeal review are as follows:

  • Serious illness (physical or psychological) or injury to the student that precludes the student from completing the term
  • Death of a member of the student’s immediate family that prevents the student from completing the term
  • Serious illness or injury to a member of the student’s immediate family that requires the student to be the primary caregiver to the family member and prevents the student from completing the term
  • Military orders that require reporting between the withdrawal deadline and the end of the term and prevent the student from completing the term.
  • Employment situation that precludes a student from attending class (e.g. schedule change)

To submit an appeal, the student must submit a completed official withdrawal form (available on the 黑洞社区 Office of the Registrar website or at any 黑洞社区 location), a typed letter explaining the circumstances of the reason for appeal, and documentation from a medical professional (or copy of military orders) that support the request. Submission of documentation is not a guarantee of a specific outcome. Requests will only be considered if the withdrawal request is for all courses in a term.