Policies & Procedures for Deaf/Hearing Impaired Students

At 黑洞社区 we strive to offer you the best interpreting services possible. It is hoped that these guidelines will benefit students, faculty, and interpreters to the fullest. Faculty and staff may request an interpreter for office hours, meetings, and other university-related events by contacting the Office of Student Accessibility Services (OSAS). Your full cooperation with the following guidelines will be greatly appreciated and will facilitate your needs as hearing impaired students. These policies and procedures may be subject to change.

Requesting an Interpreter

Students CANNOT select interpreters. You may request a particular interpreter but, there is NO GUARANTEE that your request will be granted.

Once approval of special accommodations has been granted, students may request interpreting services. Please notify the OSAS as soon as you register for courses, at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the course, so it gives the University ample time to arrange for an interpreter(s). All arrangements for interpreting services must be made through the Office of Student Accessibility Services.

  • If you need an interpreter for out of class activities, (field trips, etc.), please notify the Office of Student Accessibility Services of the need. We will do our best to provide an interpreter. At least two weeks notice is required.

Guidelines for Students Working With Interpreters

  • Do not ask interpreters for help with course requirements. The interpreter's job is to sign what the professor and your class members say, and to voice your signing when appropriate. If you need help with course work, ask the professor, or go to the Student Success Center, and request academic support services.
  • If you wish to speak with your professor after class, first ask the interpreter if he/she can stay. If not, then make an appointment with the professor and request an interpreter from the OSAS.
  • If you have a problem with your interpreter, please do not discuss it with other interpreters or students. Discuss the problem with the interpreter first. If the situation is not resolved, then bring it to the attention of the OSAS. This way it will be kept confidential.
  • PLAN AHEAD. If you are to make an oral presentation in class, it is important that you practice with the interpreter who will be voicing for you. It is YOUR responsibility to bring in your script or typed speech to be photocopied for your interpreter.
  • Before you make a change in your schedule, (adding or dropping a class), please notify the Office of Student Accessibility Services. This way we will know how to appropriately schedule interpreters.
  • If you plan to be late for class, please notify the OSAS so we can instruct the interpreter to wait for you. The interpreters have been instructed to wait 20 minutes. If you do not arrive within the first 20 minutes, the interpreter will notify the OSAS of your absence and fill out a "no-show" form that will be placed in your file.
  • It is the student's responsibility to notify the Office of Student Accessibility Services to cancel interpreter service 48 hours in advance when:
    • You plan to miss class;
    • Room, day, or time of class is changed;
    • You are adding or dropping a class;
    • You are canceling any other activity for which an Interpreter was requested.
  • When you know you will be absent from class, notify the office immediately. If you are sick and do not know when you will be well enough to return, the office will cancel interpreting service until you are ready to return class.

No-Show Policy

  • Interpreters are required to wait 20 minutes for students.
  • If you miss a class or appointment without canceling service in advance, the interpreter will not return until you have notified the Student Accessibility Services and request service be resumed.