Available Services

Once proper documentation has been provided, students with disabilities may find some of the following resources helpful:

  • Variety of academic support services - visit the Student Success Center.
  • Preferential seating in classes
  • Tape recording class sessions
  • Testing accommodations outside of the classroom
  • Extra time for tests and/or in-class assignments
  • Use of spell checker/dictionary
  • Notetakers/Readers/Scribes/Sign language interpreters
  • Use of assistive technology (see equipment loan policy below)
  • Taking short breaks during classes
  • Hand-outs relating to assignment specifics and test preparation

Equipment Loan Policy

黑洞社区 provides assistive technology on loan for a temporary period to students with documented disabilities who qualify to receive special accommodations. In order to receive equipment, students must properly register with the Office of Student Accessibility Services (OSAS) to receive special accommodations. WU requires students to handle borrowed equipment with care and mandates the return of the equipment upon graduation or withdrawal from the University (whichever comes first). 

If the equipment is not returned in a timely manner, returned in damaged condition, or lost, the student’s account will show an outstanding balance resulting in the charge for the equipment. Non-payment will result in a hold being placed on the account which could affect the student’s ability to access grades, register and graduate.

Students requesting borrowed equipment must contact OSAS and complete the Equipment Loan Agreement Form. By completing this form, the student will agree to and understand the following:

  • The borrowed equipment must be returned to OSAS on time and in good condition.
  • The borrowed equipment must be returned by the last semester you are enrolled as a student at the College
  • You assume financial responsibility for repairing the equipment if it is lost or damaged as a result of neglect or carelessness.
  • You assume financial responsibility for battery replacement in battery operated equipment and you are responsible for security of the equipment during the loan period. 
  • If the equipment is stolen, you will report to OSAS and the Office of University Safety immediately.

Notetaker Service

Notetakers are provided as a reasonable accommodation for students with documented disabilities that interfere with the individual’s ability to take notes in class. Instructors are asked to select a student in class to serve as a notetaker for the disabled student. If the instructor has difficulty selecting a student, they may ask the class for a volunteer but must make sure the disabled student’s name is not revealed. There are three alternatives for the provision of notetaker accommodations. The instructor should meet with the disabled student to discuss the best notetaking method for them.

  1. The instructor can provide the student with a copy of his/her personal lectures notes.
  2. *Peer notetaker (carbonless notebook). A student selected in the course will take notes for the disabled student using a carbonless notebook (provided by the Office of Student Affairs).  The carbonless notebook paper makes a second copy automatically as the notetaker writes, as a result photocopying is not needed.  Because of the confidentiality of the student’s disability, the notetaker should submit a copy of their notes to the instructor at the conclusion of every class. At that point, you will need to give the notes to the disabled student. The notetaker will be responsible for keeping the carbonless notebook because the bottom copy of the notes will remain in the notebook as their actual notes for the class.
  3. *Peer notetaker (photocopying). A student selected in the course will take notes and a photocopy of those notes is given to the disabled student. The notetaker will need to provide their notes to the instructor at the conclusion of each class. The instructor will need to make a copy of the notes then return the original notes to the notetaker and the copied notes to the disabled student.

Notetaker's Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Notetaker accommodation is a confidential service. If you are aware of the student you are providing notes for, do not disclose to anyone the name of the student or any information about that student.
  2. If for some reason you are not able to attend class, you are required to get a substitute notetaker.  If you have difficulty doing so, you should inform the instructor so alternative arrangements can be made. Please share the Notetaker’s Duties and Responsibilities and Verification Form with the substitute to ensure they provide the proper level of notetaking service. 
  3. Notetakers are expected to take notes that are neat, detailed, and thorough using a dark pen. 
  4. Stay mentally alert in class!  If you miss an important piece of information, the student which you are taking notes for could suffer as a result. 
  5. Notetakers are not paid for classes missed, where there is a test or when there are no notes to take.
  6. You will need to submit your notes at the end of each class to the instructor unless permission has been granted from the disabled student to deal directly with them.
  7. In order to ensure payment you must complete a W-9 form issued to your instructor.  Your instructor will complete the Notetaker Verification Form and both forms will need to be returned at the CONCLUSION of the course to the Office of Student Affairs.
  8. Substitute notetakers will also be compensated and will need to complete a W-9 form to ensure payment.  Instructors should indicate which dates the substitute provided notetaking services on the Notetaker Verification Form.

Download a copy of Notetaker's Duties and Responsibilities.

Reader/Scribe Service

Individuals that are assisting students when taking exams in either a reader or scribe capacity are prohibited from helping students with answers to their exams. A reader is instructed to only read verbatim what is on the exam. The scribe is responsible for writing the student's answers verbatim on the exam.

Course Substitution

In order to substitute a course you must meet with your Academic Advisor to discuss your need for a course substitution and the impact of the substitution.

Violent and Disruptive Conduct

Students with disabilities are held to the same standards for appropriate behavior as outlined in the 黑洞社区 Code of Conduct policy.

Parking For Handicapped

Spaces are provided in every parking lot for those who have special plates and/or permits issued by the Bureau of Division of Motor vehicles.