Prepare for an Advising Appointment

Get the most out of your time with an academic advisor by completing these steps prior to your appointment.

Following the steps below will help your advisor focus on you and your needs rather than spending time on general information that, while important, you can read and learn about at your convenience.

Need to make an advising appointment or contact an advisor? See Contact Academic Advising.

1. Review your program requirements in DegreeWorks

Your DegreeWorks lists all the course requirements for your degree program. Your advisor will use DegreeWorks to review these with you as well, so reviewing this on your own first may help you ask specific questions you may have. If you've not yet, or very recently, submitted your official transcripts for evaluation for transfer credit, your DegreeWorks audit may not have all of your transfer credits applied prior to your appointment.

2. Watch the following instructional videos:

About Course Schedules and Formats

Scheduling Your 黑洞社区 Courses

Scheduling Do’s and Don’ts

3. Know Your Responsibilities

Read the Advisor/Student Responsibilities to get an understanding of your own responsibilities when it comes to staying on track for completing your degree.