Copying Content Between Canvas Courses


Copying Canvas course content from one course to another can be done quickly using the following methods: 

  • Direct Share allows you to copy assignments, quizzes, discussions, and pages. Please note that Outcomes Assessment assignments should not be copied between courses.

  • Announcements Importer feature allows you to copy announcements from a previous course to a current course you are teaching.  This will create the announcements with you as the author and will copy over files and update file links.  This also send notifications to students.  Some course links may still need manual updates.

What is Direct Share?

Direct Share allows instructors to copy active individual course items to another active course. This allows content to be shared directly in Canvas. In Assignments, Quizzes, Discussions, and Pages, instructors can  copy content  to another course. 

Video Overview: 


How to use Direct Share from Assignments, Quizzes, Discussions, and Pages:

  • Click the three vertical dots to the right of the content you want to send or copy (1).
  • Select  Send To.. or  Copy To... (2) at the bottom of the menu.

  Assignments Send To Copy To screenshot


How to use Direct Share from Individual Content Items:

  • Click the three vertical dots to the right
  • Select  Send To or  Copy To.

  Send To Copy To screenshot


How to manage content received via Direct Share:

In Global Navigation, click the Account link [1], and then click the Shared Content link [2].

Global navigation screenshot

From the Received Content page, you can preview shared content, import content items into your course or courses, and remove the item from your received content list. Removing a content item deletes the item from your list of received items. However, if you have imported the item into a course, the content item is not removed from your course. shared using Direct Share.

  Received Content dialog screenshot

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Announcements Importer Feature

A custom feature has been developed that allows you to copy announcements from one of your courses (current or past) to an active course where they are a teacher.  You will be able to copy announcements one at a time, or select multiple to copy over at once with the same settings.  When selecting the destination course, you also get to set if students can comment and how long to delay the post.

When announcements are copied, they are created as a new announcement in the destination course so that they appear with you as the author.  This also allows notifications to be sent to students when the announcement posts.  Files are copied to the new course and file links are updated.  External links will continue to work, but course links (modules, assignments, etc) may need to be updated after copying.

How to Use

Select Announcement(s) to Copy

  1. Go to course with the announcement(s) you want to copy.
  2. Click on Announcements
  3. Check the box next to each announcement you want to copy.
  4. Click the "Copy" button.

 select announcements to copy

Select Copy Destination and Announcement Settings

  1. In the pop-up menu, select the course you would like to copy to.
    • Only active courses where you are enrolled as a teacher are shown.

select course to copy to

  1. Scroll-down (if needed) and select the settings for the announcements when copied
    • Whether or not students can comment
    • Delayed posting date/time.  We recommend always using a delayed posting time, so you can review the copied announcements before notifications are sent.
  2. Click "Copy to Course" and wait for the copy process to complete

 select settings for copied announcements

Review Copied Announcement(s)

  1. Go to the destination course and review the copied announcements
  2. If your announcements had links, it is recommended to also use the link validator to see if there are any broken links that need to be updated. ()

Share your feedback and/or report issues with this feature using the Canvas Feedback form.

Disclaimer: This feature required custom coding and is maintained at the university level. It may break (temporarily or permanently) after future updates to Canvas. This will not affect any announcements that were already copied to a new course, but it may interfere with your ability to copy additional announcements using this feature.

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Instructors may email to request training or support on these features.