Take a Career Assessment

Career decisions dramatically impact your life. The career path you choose will determine where you live, your income, how much time you spend at home, your work hours, your travels, and how you spend your leisure time.

The Importance of Self-Assessment

Understanding yourself is a critical part of career and educational planning. The more you know about your personal interests, your values, skills, personality and preferences, the more likely you will be able to identify occupations and training programs that fit your personal attributes and needs.

Focus 2 Logo

The FOCUS self-assessment tools will help you develop an accurate understanding of your personal strengths, needs, and preferences. FOCUS will then guide you through an exploration and analysis of occupations that match your self-assessments.

How does it work?

Our online career assessments will create profiles of your interests, skills, values, personality, educational preferences and leisure activities. You then investigate occupations matching your profiles. For each occupation you will learn about the duties, education required, skills needed, specific working conditions, required training, job outlook, current and expected earnings, and much more!

Take the Assessment

  1. The WilmU institutional keycode for FOCUS is 1026.
    If you need assistance, please call (302) 356-6792, or send an email to careerservices@wilmu.edu.
  2. Visit . If this is your first time visiting, select Create an Account.
  3. Be sure to follow up with a Career Services representative to make the most of your career assessment!