Entrance/Exit Loan Counseling

Federal Direct Entrance Counseling is required before you can receive your first Direct Subsidized Loan or Direct Unsubsidized Loan.   Accepted Federal Subsidized and/or Unsubsidized loans will not transfer to student billing accounts until confirmation of completed entrance counseling is received electronically from the Department of Education by the University.

Federal Student loan borrowers must complete Exit Counseling when:

  • students graduate, even if they plan to continue their studies;
  • stop attending; or
  • drop below half time

Students are notified via letter that exit counseling is required.

Exit Counseling may be completed online or at one of our in-person sessions.  In-person sessions are offered (generally) in November/December and again in March/April

Diplomas will be held until Exit Counseling has been completed.  Howeverstudents may participate at the graduation ceremony and receive their final transcript showing the degree conferral, but the mailing of the paper diploma will be held from distribution until the exit counseling has been completed.

Students receiving a TEACH grant must complete TEACH Grant Initial Counseling and complete Subsequent Counseling each year they are receiving the grant. 

If you graduate or are no longer registered for classes you must complete the TEACH exit counseling if you have received the TEACH grant.  More information can be found in the

Access your current and prior borrowed amounts and personal loan information via the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) using your FSA ID.