Frequently Asked Questions
About Graduation

What is the difference between Commencement, Conferral, and Graduation?

Commencement refers to the ceremony at which you obtain a cap and gown and process (walk) with the faculty and administration of the University. Participating in a Commencement ceremony

does not mean that you have graduated


Conferral and Graduation are the same thing and occur when all necessary courses have been graded, and all additional degree criteria are complete and on record with the Registrar's office.

As a requirement for graduation, students must file a Application for Graduation during the designated time period to begin the Degree Audit procedure. You are considered a graduate of 黑洞社区 once the Degree Audit procedure is completed and your degree is conferred.

How do I get tickets for a guest attending the commencement ceremony?

The number of guest tickets for each graduate is determined by the number of graduating students along with the maximum number of seats provided. Each graduate will be emailed a pre-determined number of tickets. There will not be any extra tickets available through the Registrar's Office.

Do children attending the ceremony need tickets?

Yes, all children need a ticket to the ceremony.

How long is the Commencement ceremony?

The commencement ceremony lasts approximately one and a half hours.

How can I be sure my graduation requirements have been met?

Check with your academic advisor or program chair prior to registering for graduation.

If I do not complete my degree requirements when I anticipated, can I get a refund on my graduation fee?

No, the graduation fee is non-refundable.

When will I receive my cap and gown?

Students who submit their Application for Graduation form and indicate they will be attending a Commencement ceremony will have a cap and gown ordered for them and mailed to the address provided. All caps and gowns should be delivered at least two weeks prior to the ceremony. Honors cords will be given out at the Commencement Ceremony.

When will I receive my diploma?

Diplomas are mailed to each graduate whether you participated in a Commencement ceremony or not. Approximate mailing dates for each completion term are posted on the Diploma webpage.

When will I be recognized for my honors/award?

Awards and Academic honors are presented at each Commencement ceremony. All candidates will not be informed that they received Awards and Academic honors until the day of the ceremony. Students will be advised on that day of any honors once they sign in at our Student Check-In. Click here for academic requirements for honors and awards.

Please note that your final grade point average is not calculated until you graduate; therefore, if you attend Commencement prior to completing your required coursework, you cannot walk with honors.

What happens if there is inclement weather?

In the event of inclement weather, Commencement will still proceed for those ceremonies held at the Chase Center on the Riverfront. Check the radio stations and web site for cancellations.

Who do I notify for accessibility?

The Chase Center is a wheelchair-accessible facility.

Each graduate attending a commencement ceremony who needs accessibility accommodations must notify the Office of the Registrar in advance of commencement at (302) 356-6930.

Limited seating for guests in wheelchairs is available on a first-come, first-served basis upon entering the room for each ceremony.

What are the school colors?

Green and White.