Understanding the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Crime and Statistic Act and Annual Security Report

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (aka the Clery Law), is a Federal law and was signed into law in 1990. This law was enacted after Howard and Connie Clery’s daughter, Jeanne, was brutally murdered in her dorm room at Lehigh University in 1986. They wanted the law to provide campus safety information for those who are selecting a college or university. All public and private institutions of postsecondary education participating in federal student aid programs are required to follow the mandates of the Clery commission. The Clery Law requires 黑洞社区 to do the following:

  1. Collect, classify, and count crime reports and crime statistics.
  2. Issue campus alerts (i.e. – timely warnings and emergency notifications).
  3. Provide educations programs and campaigns about dating and domestic violence and sexual assault.
  4. Have procedures for institutional disciplinary action in cases of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
  5. Publish an Annual Security Report. This report will contain many of these policies and procedures plus campus crime statistics.
  6. Submit campus crime statistics to the Department of Education.
  7. Keep a daily crime log of alleged incidents that is open for public inspection.

Annual Security Report

Each year, under the Clery Act, WilmU is required to publish an Annual Security Report by October 1st. This report contains three years’ worth of campus crime statistics based on the crimes listed above. Institutions must disclose crime statistics for the campus, a one mile radius of the campus, and certain non-campus facilities for which it has control (see definitions above). These crime statistics are gathered from local law enforcement agencies and other school officials who have responsibility for student and campus activities.

The Annual Security Report also includes certain campus security policy statements (including sexual assault policies which assure basic victims’ rights, the law enforcement authority of campus police and where students should go to report crime) and a list of programming that has been made available to students and employees. The report is sent out to all current students and employees, while prospective students and employees are notified of its existence and afforded an opportunity to request a copy. A copy of the most recent reports are available at the links below.

View or Download the Annual Security Report

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Clery Terms

Annual Security Report (ASR): An annual report published by any college or university receiving Title IV funding that includes crime statistics for the last three years. In addition, the ASR includes several policy statements that regarding campus safety and sexual assault.

Campus Security Authority (CSA): An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student life, student discipline, and campus judicial proceedings. CSA's may accept crime reports from others regarding campus crime and have a duty to report these crimes.

Clery Geography: The area in which an institution must collect crime statistics. This area includes all on-campus facilities, public property adjacent to campus, and any non-campus buildings or facilities that the institution controls.

Control of facility: An institution has control over a facility when an institution directly or indirectly rents, leases, or has, some other type of written agreement (including an informal one such as an email or a letter) for use of a building or a property or a portion of that building or property.

Emergency Notification: An emergency notification involves the notification of students, faculty, and staff of an institution when there is a dangerous situation occurring on-campus that involves an immediate threat to the health or safety of students and employees. Examples of an immediate threat include but are not limited to fire, extreme weather conditions, outbreak of a serious illness.

Hate Crime: A hate crime is a criminal offense that show evidence that the victim was intentionally selected based on the perpetrator’s bias against the victim. There are eight categories of bias under the Clery Act: race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ethnicity, national origin, and disability.

Timely Warning: Requirement under the Clery Act to notify students and employees in a timely manner of Clery crimes occurring on-campus that are considered by the institution to represent a serious or ongoing threat to students and employees.

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA): Law enacted by Congress and part of the Clery Act that requires institutions to disclose crimes of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking, In addition to disclosing these crimes if they happen within the institution’s Clery geography, the institution must also provide educational and prevention programs to students and employees about these topics.

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Clery Crimes

The Clery Act requires institutions to utilize following terms for crimes provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation”s Uniform Crime Reporting program:

Criminal Homicide

Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter

Manslaughter by Negligence

Sexual Assault (Sex Offenses): Any sexual act directed against another person without consent of the victim, including instances where the victim in incapable of giving consent.




Statutory Rape


Aggravated Assault


Motor Vehicle Theft


Hate Crimes: Include the following crimes listed above: murder and non-negligent murder, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, motor vehicle theft, and arson. They also include the following crimes:

VAWA Offenses: In addition to sexual assault, these offenses include dating violence, domestic violence and stalking.

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Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications

The federally mandated Clery Act requires all Title IV schools to provide Timely Warning Notices. Timely Warnings are a mass communication notice issued to the University community advising a Clery Crime that represent a current or ongoing threat to the University community is present. 黑洞社区 Safety is responsible for assessing nature of threat and issuing warnings.

In an effort to provide timely notice to the 黑洞社区 community regarding crimes that represent a serious or continuing threat to students or employees, that occurs within the Clery Geography (On Campus, Public Property and Non Campus property). The Assistant Vice President of Legal & Administrative Affairs will develop the content of the notification and it is sent to a member of the Executive Team for approval. The Web Communications team is responsible for distributing the Crime Alert via the group e-mail and ReGroup system.

Anyone with information warranting a timely warning should report the circumstances to the Department of University Safety. All notifications issued will provide general information about the incident as well as crime prevention information that may aid in the prevention of similar occurrences. All Timely Warnings will be issued in a manner that withholds the names of victims to maintain confidentiality.

Emergency Notifications are activated when a threat to the safety of the University community is present; this is not contingent upon Clery Crimes being committed. Emergency Notifications are a mass communication notice issued to the University community in the event of a current or ongoing threat to the community. Emergency Notifications may or may not be related to a Clery crime and are not limited to nature of crime. 黑洞社区 Safety is responsible for assessing nature of threat and issuing warnings and will do so in a manner to best ensure the safety of our community.

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Safety Prevention Quick Tips

Safety prevention starts with YOU. By frequently practicing proactive crime and safety prevention techniques, you can reduce the opportunity for a criminal to make you a victim. The following information listed below can help reduce the possibility of becoming a victim:

  • Be aware of your surroundings when approaching and leaving your vehicle
  • Avoid talking on the phone when walking to your vehicle.
  • Never leave your vehicle running and unattended.
  • Always lock your vehicle, and avoid leaving any valuables in plain view.
  • Be sure to locate your keys before walking to your vehicle.
  • When walking in parking lots keep a secure hold of your purse, handbags and any other items.
  • Make a routine of calling family members or friends before you leave so they know to expect you in a certain amount of time.
  • Only go to parties where you know the host/ hostess.
  • Do not leave a party with someone you do not know.
  • Watch your drink and how much you drink.
  • Do not allow your friends to leave a party with someone they do not know.

Instincts are your guide – listen to them! And as always, IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING.

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Who is a Campus Security Authority?

The Department of Education defines a Campus Security Authority, (CSA), as follows:
An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student life, student discipline, and campus judicial proceedings. For example, CSA's may include someone who oversees student life, or student extra-curricular activities, or has significant responsibility for student and campus activities. Similarly, a director of athletics, team coach, and faculty advisor to a student group such as Student Government, or even volunteer coach, also have significant responsibility for student and campus activities. By contrast, faculty members are unlikely to have significant responsibility for student and campus activities, except when serving as an advisor to a student group. Clerical staff are unlikely to have significant responsibility for student and campus activities and therefore, fall outside of Clery's CSA designation.

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Responsibilities of CSA's

All CSA's are required to complete mandatory training annually. This training is conducted online.

As a Campus Security Authority, you are required to report all crimes listed below (regardless of desire of reporting party or previous incident involving outside law enforcement):

  • Criminal homicide (Murder, non-negligent manslaughter, and negligent manslaughter)
  • Sex offenses (forcible and non-forcible): Rape, Sexual Assault, Fondling, Statutory Rape, Incest
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Burglary
  • Motor Vehicle Theft (includes unauthorized use)
  • Arson

CSA's are also required to report:

  • Hate/Bias-Motivated Crimes (all UCR crimes listed above AND Larceny/ Theft, Simple Assault, Intimidation, and Destruction/ Damage/ Vandalism of Property
  • Arrests and Referrals for Drug, Liquor and Weapons Violation
  • Crimes of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking (VAWA-SAVE AC)

If someone reports a crime to you:

  • Ask Questions:
    • What happened?
    • Where did this happen?
    • Who was involved?
    • Were there any injuries?
    • Etc.
  • Get as much factual information as you can

If you are unsure if something that took place is a crime in one of these categories, please contact the Title IX Coordinator.

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Reporting a Crime or Sexual Harassment/Assault

黑洞社区 takes the responsibility to report crimes seriously.

Report a Crime or Suspicious Activity

If you have any questions, concerns or need further information please contact:

Title IX Coordinator

Linda Van Drie Andrzjewski, EdD 
Executive Director of Title IX, Clery and Regulatory Affairs
47 Reads Way
New Castle, DE 19720
Phone: (302) 356-6754
Fax: (302) 328-7918